Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wood Element

METAL: She loves that the Metal energy is all about cultivating deep unwavering faith through releasing everything that doesn’t serve us. When we talk about the Metal element in our book, we refer to the energy as Metal Magic where you cultivate your ability to “spin straw into gold”. Yes, it’s about stepping into our power as the alchemist of our life!

Letting go and living in faith is at the heart of Metal energy. That’s what freedom is all about. Look at it this way. When our energy is not consumed by the stress of trying to control everything, we are free to enjoy life. Trusting that we are being guided by God’s loving energy, we can choose to live in faith. Letting go – essential for healthy Metal energy – is such a powerful practice.

The benefits are so great. Instead of being run by stress and perfectionism, you reclaim your freedom when you let go. Speaking of freedom, we are being supported by the universe right now to experience, not only our freedom, but the highest, most powerful part of ourselves–our awakened Self.

FIRE:  In nature, the Fire element warms our body and relaxes our mind.  Not only does it help us attract deep satisfying relationships, it also encourages us to expand our consciousness.  And how do you feel on a warm summer day?  Open, spontaneous, ready to have fun?  Yep, that’s it. 

When you think about the spirit of Fire energy, think joy and warmth.  Think laughter and lightness. Think la joie de vivre.  Oo la la! Oh yes, your Fire energy inspires you to live as a free spirit. Rather than live according to someone else’s design, you live by your own truth.

EARTH: We are here to receive the Light (Divine energy) so that it can be shared, through us. How does this work? Well, picture a pipe with openings at either end. The opening at the top of the pipe represents our willingness to open to the Light of our Creator~that Light is pure, unlimited love, abundance, generosity, peace, kindness, creativity, etc. You know, the good stuff we’d all like more of.

The power of the Earth element assists you to stay open to receive that Light. The more aware and awake we are, the more we turn to the Light to guide us which allows us to live in the flow of ease and effortlessness.

Quiz... "The Earth energy is sweet, nurturing and filled with gratitude. People are attracted to you because your energy is a reminder that life is abundant and you help others see and feel the cornucopia in life. You inspire people to maintain positive expectancy that good fortune will flow into their lives. Avoid getting stuck — transform worrisome thoughts by trusting that other people and the Universe will help you too. Remember, you are internally centered and grounded, independent of external circumstances."

WATER (Quiz): "Water energy is all about going deep and contemplating the meaning of life. It is strong, enduring, and courageous in the face of the unknown. Think about the powerful energy of a flowing river – there’s never a moment of hesitation, doubt or fear impeding its movement and direction. Avoid getting stuck – instead of freezing in the fear of the unknown, stay on course and connect to your life purpose."

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